Wednesday, December 5, 2012


We have an empty Starbucks frappucino container, two hard boiled eggs, a piece of scratch paper, and matches. We are going to light the piece of scratch paper on fire and put it in the bottom of the container, then place the pealed boiled egg on top, then let the pressure difference suck the egg into the container.

The pressure difference slowly sucked the egg into the glass bottle, the pressure difference is caused by the heat increasing the size of the air in the jar when the flame was lit in their, then when you put the egg on top it shrinks the size of the air and sucks the egg in.

How much does a cloud weigh?

How much does a cloud weigh?

The weight depends on how much water is in the atmosphere. If there is a lot of precipitation in the cloud, it will be heavier.

A pint of water weights 1 pound

Weather and Climate

Weather is the precipitation, temperature, and visibility that we see very day. Climate is how the weather is affecting the world and changing over time.

Took used to measure:

  • Temperature - Thermometer    --- Different types of temperature scales
    • Celsius
    • Kelvin
    • Fahrenheit 
  • Humidity - Hygrometer & Sling Psychromator 
    • Relative Humidity - how much water vapor is in the air at any given time for any temp.
    • Absolute Humidity 
  • Cloudiness - scool and - cloud observations 
    • Air moisture 
    • Air pressure
    • Air movement
  • Air Pressure - barometer
  • Wind Speed/Wind Direction - that little rooster on top of the barn --- Anemometer or a sock 
  • Precipitation - Rain gauge 

Climate is weather over time.
Weather is a daily event.