Monday, September 24, 2012


X = Length
Y = Distance/Height

What is the effect of X on Y?
          We found that the longer the rocket was, the greater the distance it went up.

We found the height by finding the angle, converting it into the tangent and then multiplying that by the length we were away from the launcher which was 10 meters.

The distance we came up with for our shorter rocket was 21.4 meters high.
The distance we came up with for our taller rocket was 27.4 meters high.

The control we used was the same number of fins on each rocket and we had the same amount of pressure used for each rocket.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Nebular Hypothesis

I do not know anything about the nebular hypothesis. We are watching a movie about it to learn what it is what what it means.

How do you spot a meteorite?
        - Some leave craters
        - There is metal in them -- that is how you can tell them from Earth's rocks
        - If you use a metal detector, it is much easier to find a meteorite.

The largest meteorite weighs about 60,000 tons and landed in Africa

Iron 60 is only created in a super nova
    - Scientists are looking for meteorites that have Iron 60

Some scientists think that the super nova was what created our solar system:
     - We started out as a cloud of gas
     - When the super nova hit the could it collapsed and condensed, this created our sun
     - It made stars then gravity pushed all gas and dust particles together
     - This eventually created our solar system
NOT a fully accepted hypothesis but it is quite possible.

Monday, September 17, 2012

$100 Solar System

If I had $100 to give to each planet and he $100 dollars equals the mass, how much would each part of the solar system get?

The Sun would get = $99.85
Mercury = .003 cents
Venus = .004 cents
Earth = .0003 cents
Mars = .002 cents
Jupiter = 10.6  cents
Saturn = 3.2 cents
Uranus = .005 cents
Neptune = .006 cents
Belt of junk
Comets - on an orbit

The sun's mass is 99.85 percent of the entire solar system's mass.

Gas Giants - Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus
Terrestrial Planets - Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars

Dry Mix

Dry Mix - how variables are used in an experiment
          Variables = D & M
            - Dependent (manipulative) Y-Axis -- Size of the crater
            - Independent (responding) X-Axis -- Mass of the meteor

We found that the effect of the mass of the meteor on the size of the crater is the heavier the meteor is, the bigger the size of the crater it creates. The greater the force the bigger the impact.

We held the meteor 1 meter above the pile of flour (about 10 cm in diameter) and dropped it. We measured from the center of the crater to the farthest ray to find the size of the crater created.

If we had used an even bigger object our crater would be even bigger.
If we changed the acceleration the force of the impact would be greater.
If we increased the mass and kept the acceleration the same the force would increase.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Private Universe

Despite a lifetime of the best education, many people still fail to understand basic concepts of the world. The topic of the seasons it taught to everyone in starting in elementary school.

1. The seasons are caused by the earth's orbital rotation away from the sun. As we rotate further away from the sun we have winter and as we get closer to the sun, we have summer.

  • What really causes the seasons is the Earth's tilt, not the distance.

2. Indirect light is when the sun's rays are reflecting.
    Direct light is when the sun's rays are hitting the Earth directly.

  • Indirect light- When the sun's rays are hitting the Earth at an angle.
  • Direct light- When the suns' rays are hitting the Earth directly.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Earth Science Systems

Today we learned about positive feed back loops and negative feed back loops.We learned that in a negative feedback loop, nothing happens. In a positive feedback loop, something will happen, something is being fed back into the system. In our positive feedback loop we showed how each system effected and effects the Earthquake. We talked about the lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and the hydrosphere and made a poster to represent how these four spheres are effected and can effect the earthquake that occurred in China on Friday. This is the poster we created:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Penny Observation Lab


  1. Round
  2. Worth 1 cent
  3. Varies in years
  4. Different sides 
    1. One has a head
    2. The other has a building
  5. Abraham Lincoln is on the penny
  6. He is looking right.
  7. There are 98 of them
  8. 1962 penny weighs 3.15 grams
  9. 2007 penny weighs 2.5 grams
  10. 1.90 cm diameter
  11. 1.00 cm width
  12. Copper color
  13. 1982 weighs 3.0 grams and 1983 weighs 2.5 grams
  14. 1989 weighs 2.6 grams
  15. 1967 weighs 3.2 grams
  16. The mass of the penny changed in the early 80's.
We found out in the early 80's pennies were changed from being made of copper to being made of zinc

When did pennies change from copper to zinc? 

Blood Alcohol Lab

My Answer:
1. a. The value that I would use to report to the court would be the average of the five values. To do this I would add all of the values given then divide it by five. The number I would report to the court would be 0.11. 
    b. I think five trained individuals would come up with different answers because they could have taken the blood alcohol reading at different times. It could also be different if they used different ways to test the alcohol levels such as a breathalyzer or a blood sample. 
Group Answer:
1. a. The value we would choose to report to the court would be 0.11, we both decided the best method would be to take the average of the five. 
    b. In our group discussion we came to the same conclusion, it was probably due to different times the test was taken or different tests being used. They also could have had two different types of machines and one possible worked better than the other. The machine could have been wrong. The experience of the student reading the test could alter the results.Human error could also be a factor. The numbers they gave us might not have been very accurate or very precise. 

I have a sheet of paper and the cylinder folded the long way holds more volume. 
The actual answer is the cylinder to be folded the short way.