Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blood Alcohol Lab

My Answer:
1. a. The value that I would use to report to the court would be the average of the five values. To do this I would add all of the values given then divide it by five. The number I would report to the court would be 0.11. 
    b. I think five trained individuals would come up with different answers because they could have taken the blood alcohol reading at different times. It could also be different if they used different ways to test the alcohol levels such as a breathalyzer or a blood sample. 
Group Answer:
1. a. The value we would choose to report to the court would be 0.11, we both decided the best method would be to take the average of the five. 
    b. In our group discussion we came to the same conclusion, it was probably due to different times the test was taken or different tests being used. They also could have had two different types of machines and one possible worked better than the other. The machine could have been wrong. The experience of the student reading the test could alter the results.Human error could also be a factor. The numbers they gave us might not have been very accurate or very precise. 

I have a sheet of paper and the cylinder folded the long way holds more volume. 
The actual answer is the cylinder to be folded the short way. 

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